How can an Advisor help you?

Advisors and investors play a vital role with the EP Entrepreneur Network and these Associate members are all personally known to us.  They all have significant experience and knowledge that can greatly benefit our entrepreneur members.


EP has been a conduit for requests for advice over the last 20 years, and this service is now creating a formal process for these.   The first step is to share with us in total confidence a one pager that typically includes the following sections:

-          Your current (or planned) business or service

-          What stage the business is currently at

-          How have you financed progress so far

-          Your future vision

-          What would you like to gain from advice

We can help you then get this document into shape before sharing it with our cohort of trusted advisors.  We will then review their responses, which will include any proposed commercials, and share a vetted shortlist for you to review and consider if you wish to be connected with them.  Some advisors may provide initial advice free of charge.  Some advice projects could also lead to your interest in forming a longer-term relationship or board role with the advisor, whilst some Requests for Advice might just focus on a requirement to seek an Non-Executive Director or Chair.


Many of our cohort of advisors are also active investors.  As part of our commitment to our investor Associate Members to pre vet requests for investment, we have created the EP Accelerator Programme which members seeking investment must first book onto.